《聆聽。愛》CD音樂專輯於202206製作發行。內含小豬創作的九首信仰歌曲,包括”美麗的想望-你我相遇” 、”孩子,快來到父親這裡”、 “世間愛情不能滿足你,當來尋求神”、 “天父仍在那裡”、 “吸引的愛”、 “今生有你是我最大的福氣” 、”感謝你將我罪債清除”、 “奇妙的愛”,五首器樂曲,”寫給長笛的短曲第一首”、寫給長笛的短曲第二首”、”寫給單簧管的短曲第一首” 、”寫給雙簧管和鋼琴的短曲第一首”及”木管五重奏第二首”,還有一首寫給管弦樂團與合唱團的曲子”施洗約翰”。歡迎喜歡音樂的朋友,期待在市集中能與你相見,市集限定販售,一片30元。
("Listening. Love" CD music album was produced and released in 202206. It contains nine faith songs written by Piggy, including “A wonderful thought, you come to me”, "Child, come to your Father quickly", “Love from God can satisfy you truly", "Heavenly Father is still there", “Attractive love", “You are my great blessing", “Thanks for clearing all my debts of sins", "Wonderl love", five instrumental pieces, "Short Piece for Flute No. 1 "Short Piece No. 2 for Flute", "Short Piece for Clarinet No,1”, "Short Piece for Oboe and Piano No1" and "Woodwind Quintet No. 2", and also There is a song "John the Baptist" written for the orchestra and choir. Friends who like music are welcome, hope I can meet you at the market, the market is limited to sale, 30 yuan per piece.
Did you hear that? It is the God of love who is calling you; God is love, and for you, He himself became a man named Jesus, who was crucified for your sins after thirty-three and a half years, and rose three days later to give life. spirit to come into your spirit and impart his life to you. If he doesn't have love, he just destroys sinners; if he doesn't have love, why does he need to crucify himself, yes, because he is love; do you hear that?
From now on (20230405), this album can be purchased on Facebook Marketplace! A piece is 300 NTD.)