作者將於2/19(六)13:00-18:00於七桃市集有樂譜書和音樂CD的展售活動,當天展售品將以優惠價售出,歡迎前來走走看看。(The author will have an exhibition and sale of music score books and music CDs at the Qitao Market from 13:00-18:00 on 2/19 (Sat), and the items on display will be sold at a discounted price on that day, welcome to come and have a look.)
因為下雨,所以活動改到3/19號。(Because of the rain, the event was rescheduled to 3/19.)
期待3/19號在七七文藝町與您見面;分享幾張在家裡的設攤模擬照。(Looking forward to meeting you at Taoyuan 77 Art Zone Town on 3/19; sharing a few mock photos of setting up a booth at home.)

(Taoyuan 77 Art Zone Market exhibition and sales event came to a successful conclusion. "Walking into the common people, sharing beliefs and music." Yesterday, the weather was sunny and warm, and the mountain cherry blossoms in the park were blooming, which is very suitable for visiting this park.)
(Thanks to many brothers and sisters in different churches, I am very happy to take this opportunity to communicate with you, thank you for your support; I also thank those friends who love music for their support. May God bless you.)
(Share a few photos of the stall that day. If I have the opportunity to set up a stall again, see you all!)